The Whole New Side of Venis "Val Venis" Production Number: 01 Last week on Ignition, it was Val Venis who delivered a 'shock' felt around the world. After bonding a friendship with Shawn Michaels over the past three months, the two were looking set to have a shot at the CWU Tag Team Titles against the current champions The Dudley Boyz. For some reason though during Ignition, Val Venis came up with the unthinkable. Leaving fans, Jim Ross and HBK gobsmacked. Shawn Michaels was on fire in the ring, knocking back Ron Harris with a series of hard lefts and finally knocked the big man down with a jumping forearm. Michaels then ducked a clothesline attempt fron Don Harris and executed a sweet chin music - all should of ended here. Val though, entered the ring with a steel chair and smashed the steel weapon against the back of his partner, Shawn Michaels. Val continued to assault Shawn with the chair and eventually was stopped by several CWU officials. Val will be expected to explain his actions, and his reasons better be damn good. Our scene starts up the following week at Ignition after the Shelton Benjamin/Goldberg match and the cameras are rolling backstage in the locker room area. We see Val Venis move into view with a dented steel chair in one hand, and his duffel bag in the other. Venis sets the bag down and carefully places the chair beside him as he stares into the camera. Val Venis: " Ya' know somethin' - I bet every single one of you idiots out there didn't expect me to take out Shawn Michaels last week! I bet that you actually thought that it was all a bad dream! " The crowd can be heard booing Val but he just shrugs it off, not caring about what they think of him. Val Venis: " Instead of booing me, you ungrateful people should be thanking me for what I done to Shawn Michaels last week! You people don't seem to realise is that Shawn Michaels is sick! He is a man on the edge, a man that is so obsessed with wrestling that he doesn't know when to quit when he's ahead! " Val clears his throat and shakes his head. Val Venis: " He had this coming to him. It wouldn't of mattered if it had been by me, or Triple H or even Charlie Haas. It was just a matter of time before one of us put him out of his misery. Week in and week out all Shawn would ever talk about is his family and how much he cares for them and how much they are afriad that one night he may injure himself so badly that he could be confined to a damn wheelchair for the rest of his life. So I stopped you Shawn. Stopped you from making the biggest mistake of your life. And that mistake would be putting your family through the rest of their lives, caring for you and making sure you could handle the pressure of being a cripple. " Val pauses for a moment. Val Venis: " See Shawn ever since you stuck your nose in my business with your buddy Kevin Nash, you have done nothing, NOTHING but hold me back from winning the World Championship! I have spent too much of my time being stuck in the tag division, and you made me stay there longer! You had to go to McMahon, you just had to make him book us in a tag match and ever since that damn match, i've been slowly rotting away into nothing! I have paid my dues just as much as you have Shawn and yet you get all the damn rewards. You get a World Title shot, you get to headline the pay per views, and what do I get? NOTHING " Val takes a moment to calm down, his face turning a bright red. Val Venis: " I had to do something Shawn, something that would benefit us both. Then... well, you know what happened Shawn. I battered your sorry ass with that steel chair right there! I battered you over and over again and I wouldn't have stopped Shawn, I would of kept on going until you were motionless. I made ever single wrestling fan in the world realise that Val Venis is NOT here to job or to be a comedy character to other wrestlers. Not anymore. I saw the look in their eyes last week when they watched me decimate you, and there was fear. Genuine fear Shawn. They feared for your life. When you had to be stretchered out of the arena, that was the moment that everyone realised that The Big Valbowski has a new purpose in this damn company." Val brushes his hair back and rubs his goatee. Val Venis: " I know your watching this show Shawn, back home in San Antonio. I know your recovering from last week in your bed, under doctors orders, and I bet your really pissed that you can't get your own back on me. Are you burning up inside Shawn? Are you just one moment away from snapping and getting on the first plane to Ohio to kick my ass?" Vals neck turns as he hears the crowd roar. Val Venis: " They want you hear Shawn. But I have some bad news for you idiots out there, your icon Shawn Michaels WONT be here tonight! He wont be here next week or the week after because I have eliminated him from wrestling. You want your heart break kid? Then each and every one of you can goto San Antonio and kiss his wheelchair bound ass because he ain't comin' back. He's gone. Shawn Michaels is officially... RETIRED! " The crowd don't react well to Val and his saying and begin to chant abuse towards him. Val Venis: " It's about damn time you people respected The Big Valbowski. It's about time that you stood up and realised that I am the man who, when he makes promises and threats, he carrys them out! Shawn Michaels has realised it, it took him twenty three chair shots to the spine to realise it. You can talk about your Steve Austins, The Undertakers, Triple H's - but none of these men have the balls to do what I did to Shawn Michaels. When those guys carry out an attack, they make the mistake of letting their men recover. They are too soft! I showed that I have the balls to end the career of someone. It's about time that Vince McMahon opened his damn eyes, closed his zipper and pushed his two-bit whore away from his Johnston and book me in the World Title Hell in a Cell next month at Unforgiven! Vince, your listening and I know your wondering just how the hell can you keep your company safe when I'm walking around. I showed you Vince, I showed you that I'm not some damn wrestler who is only here to be a filler. I'm the real deal Vince, and it's about time I got my shot in this damn place. " Val takes a brief moment to breathe Val Venis: " You screwed me over back in the 'E' a few years back and after everything I gave for the company, blood, sweat, tears, and the fact I nearly got castrated by a crazy japanese weirdo, what do I get in return? A shitty gimmick and a iron clad contract to be a jobber. I'm giving you a chance Vince, just one chance to make up for your past mistakes. I want to be in that match, I want MY chance at becomming the World Champion!" Val stands up and motions for the camera man to rise Val Venis: " Tonight, I'm sending out a warning. This is a warning to every single superstar in this arena. If you get in my way, if you piss me off in any way, shape or form then I'm gonna do to you what I did to Shawn Michaels last week! If I have to go through every single wrestler to get to that match next month, then I will. Tonight, the world is going to see a whole new side of Val Venis! " Val pushes the camera man away from him and the transmission goes static and ends. |